If we knew each other, I wouldn't have waited patiently for her outside the clothing store in the mall & I would have rented a tow truck with a hook and chain to pull her out. 如果我们了解对方,我就不会在商场的服装店外面耐心等候了&我会租一辆带着钩连着锁的拖车把她拖出来。
According to the dissimilarity of each procedure, supply chain systems are divided into push supply chain, pull supply chain and hybrid supply chain. 依据各自流程的不同将供应链划分为推式、拉式和混合供应链,并建立了供应链系统动力学模型。
Firstly, it focuses on the positioning of decoupling inventory related to different supply chain structures and the differences between push supply chain and pull supply chain. 首先探讨了供应链的几种结构及其对应的解耦库存的位置,分析了推式供应链与拉式供应链的主要区别;
Through the assumed moving direction of the plow chain, the maximum pull point is determined, the tensile strength of the plow chain is checked, the safe coefficient of the plow chain is obtained. 通过假定刨链的运行方向,确定刨链的最大拉力点,以校核刨链的抗拉强度,得出刨链的安全系数。
Research on Evaluating the Supply Chain Model by Push and Pull System 供应链模型评价体系的研究&以推系统与拉系统的模拟为例