The main central peak and two side peaks are important in the tracking mechanism. 其中心主峰值和两个副峰值对于轨道跟踪机构非常重要。
The grating converts the light into a central peak plus side peaks. 光栅将入射光束转化成一个中心峰值和一系列副峰值。
Looking at the histogram, we can see the majority of our data is located around a central peak of0.14 seconds. 查看直方图,我们可以看到大多数的数据都在峰值0.14秒左右。
The width of the central peak is twice as great as the width of the lobes along-side it ( generally referred to as side bands ). 中心波峰的宽度是它毗邻波瓣(一般称作旁瓣)宽度的两倍。
The amount of austenite was calculated by means of the area of the paramagnetic central peak. 根据中心峰的面积计算了剩余奥氏体的量。