In the Import panel, click on the push button beside the location box. 在Import面板中,单击在位置box旁边的pushbutton。
A push button which advances the hard copy one or more lines in various type printers. 在各类打印机上的一种按键,按下它时能使硬拷贝向前移一行或多行。
Digital Peak-Hold and Push Button(PB) Zeroing aid in improving testing productivity and reducing errors. 数字式在改进测试的生产力和减少的错误峰顶举行和电钮调零援助。
You have mastered the basics, so let's look at a practical example that combines a push button control with a more complex macro. 您已经掌握了基础技能,因此,让我们看看一个实际示例,结合一个push按钮(PB)控件和一个更为复杂的宏。
This does not include a push button, selector switch, and other control circuit types devices. 这不包括按钮(PB)、选择开关以及其他控制电路类型装置。