While for large incoherence parameter, the interactions of incoherent solitons are always attractive because the strong incoherent interactions blur out the initial relative phase between the incoherent solitons. 当非相干参量较大时,强的非相干性模糊了孤子之间的相位关系,孤子间的相互作用主要以非相干相互吸引作用为主。
Since the images are always suffered from a series of transformations, such as rotation, viewpoint, scale, lightness, blur and so on, the issue that how to detect stable features becomes an emphasis in related research fields. 由于目标所在的图像之间大部分都存在旋转、视点、尺度、光照、模糊等变换,因此如何提取图像的稳定特征成为了相关领域的研究重点。