Can you obtain quotes ( price per metre ) for the following rope types? 获得下列规格的钢丝绳的报价(按每米(PM)报)吗?
Their strength is measured in units of volt per metre,( V / m ), or kilovolt per metre ( kV / m ). 它们的强度以每米(PM)的伏特单位(V/m),或以每米(PM)千伏特(kV/m)衡量。
Oersted and ampere per metre conversion tables GB/T4116-1983奥斯特与安培每米(PM)的相互换算表
A static magnetic field is measured in units of ampere per metre,( A / m ) but is usually expressed in terms of the corresponding magnetic induction measured in units of tesla,( T ) or millitesla ( mT ). 静电磁场以每米(PM)具有的安培单位衡量(A/m),但是通常以相应的电磁感应单位特斯拉(T)或毫伏特斯拉(mT)表示。