An experimental study on the perceptual motor abilities of mentally retarded children 弱智儿童感知动作技能特点的实验研究
Not only spatial grams, but also the whole conceptual system is grounded in and is crucially shaped by our perceptual and motor systems. 并且人的全部概念系统都是基于人的感知和运动系统。
Oral language ability, family reading background, basic perceptual processing and motor skills have influences on reading's different component. 而口语能力、家庭阅读背景、基本知觉加工和动作技能分别对读写能力的不同侧面产生影响。
According to the three dimension resource theory, subjects working on these tasks require three independent resources respectively, visual perceptual encoding, central processing and motor responding. 这些作业分别动用了与三维度资源理论加工阶段维度的视觉编码、中枢加工和运动输出相对应的三类独立资源。
Because these discharges " reflect " the perceptual aspects of actions of others onto the motor repertoire of the perceiver, these cells have been called mirror neurons. 这些放电活动属于其他神经元对参与感知活动的神经元感知行为过程中运动成分的“感应”,因此释放这些电活动的细胞被称为镜像神经元。