The radio flux is extremely variable, exhibiting erratic outbursts. 射电流量(RF)变化极大,显示出无规则爆发。
The combination of very large radio flux and exceedingly small angular size means that the sources have a fantastic surface brightness. 极大的射电流量(RF)同极小的角经集于一身,意味着这些发射源有难以置信的高表面亮度。
Impact of Solar Radio Flux(RF) on Ionospheric Phase Delay in GPS / LEO Occultation Methodology GPS/LEO掩星方法中的电离层延迟量对太阳射电辐射流量的响应
Gain Measurement of a 13.7m Paraboloid Antenna and the Calibration of Solar Radio Flux(RF) Density 13.7m抛物面天线增益测量和太阳射电流量(RF)密度定标
The predictable time scale for the monthly mean variations of the 10.7 cm radio flux is also discussed. 从10.7cm射电流量(RF)月平均变化说明了太阳活动的浑沌行为。