M = Memory Gives you more details on where your memory is going, system ( kernel ) and processes, and active virtual memory. m=内存(Memory)提供内存使用的更详细的信息,如系统(内核)和进程、活动虚拟内存(AVM)。
Avm & This column represents the amount of active virtual memory ( in4k pages ) you are using, not including file pages. avm&这一列表示您所使用的活动虚拟内存(AVM)量(单位为4k大小的页面),不包括文件页面。
Active virtual memory size in MB 活动虚拟内存(AVM)大小,以MB为单位
First, you must have at least two Virtual I / O Servers running at a level that supports Active Memory Sharing on your managed system. 首先,必须有至少两个VirtualI/OServer,它们的运行级别支持受管理系统上的ActiveMemorySharing。