Send a cheque for £ 18.99 plus £ 2 for postage and packing 请寄上18.99英镑的支票,外加2英镑的邮资和包装费。
There's easily enough room for two adults and three children, plus a dog in the boot 能宽宽松松容下两个大人、三个孩子,而且后备箱里还可以放只狗。
Experience of any career in sales is a big plus 任何销售领域的工作经验都是一大优势。
They will pay about $ 673 million plus interest. 他们将支付约6.73亿美元再加上(P)利息。
We had to have an actor who could generate real empathy. Plus(P) he had to carry the audience through a lot of plot. 我们得找一名能真正入戏的男演员,而且他还得能让观众跟上复杂的剧情中。