The resulting geometry of the classical logic and thinking several European, which is the origin of strict reasoning. 由此产生了古典逻辑与欧几思维几何学,这是严格推理的起源。
It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth. 它是可计算性的形式理论,正如经典逻辑(CL)是真理的形式理论。
Understanding argument as a semantic conception or as pragmatic conception is the watershed between informal logic and classical logic. 将论证理解为语义学概念还是语用学(辩证的)概念是非形式逻辑和经典逻辑(CL)的分水岭。
Material and logical implication coincide in the classical logic, however they do not coincide in every logics. 实质蕴涵与逻辑蕴涵在经典命题逻辑中是一致的,但是二者并不是在任何逻辑中都一致。
The existence of uncertainty of propositions in the classical logic is analyzed and a measurement method on the uncertainty of those propositions through deduction is proposed. 分析了经典逻辑(CL)中命题不确定性的存在性,提出了通过推理对命题不确定性的测度方法;