If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. 如果启用,该角色的用户则可防止其他人访问个人记录(PR)。
A player looks to score a goal to win, not for personal records. 作为一名球员,进球是为了帮助球队胜利,而不应为了个人的纪录。
Analysis on the Requirements of the Personal Records(PR) Management System 人事档案管理系统需求分析
Many problems relating to keeping on files personal records and their management have not been satisfactorily solved, thus causing losses to practical work. 人事档案法及其归属和管理中的诸多问题,不少未得到合理解决,给工作带来了损失。
There are some elements concerning family life and the relationship between man and wife in the grotesque fiction and personal records of the Wei and Jin Dynasties; 魏晋志怪小说中有影射夫妇关系和家庭生活的内容,志人小说中有描写家庭生活的篇章;