Some mega-bytes of the expanded memory are often attached to PC computers. But it is impossible to make direct use of the expanded memory under the control of the MS-DOS operating system. PC计算机上一般都配有若干兆字节的扩展内存,但在MS-DOS控制下没法直接使用。
To enable expanded memory, use Notepad to remove that keyword and restart the system. 要启用扩充内存,请使用记事本删除关键字,然后重启动系统。
Writers are never blocked because the buffer capacity can be expanded indefinitely, or at least until the limit imposed by the underlying memory system is reached. 写入器永远不会阻塞,因为缓冲可以无限扩展,或者至少到了底层内存系统设置的限制为止。