Create a class named Route to represent a route, and a class named Address that represents an address, such as the starting point of a bus route. 创建一个名为Route的类,用来表示路线;一个名为Address的类,用来表示地址,比如公共汽车路线的起点。
Named for the ancient trade route, the plan would offer an economic boost to Afghanistan and its neighbors by bolstering trade across South and Central Asia. 这项以古代贸易路线命名的计划,将通过推动南亚和中亚的贸易而促进阿富汗及其邻国的经济。
Based on pre-existing research on named entity, the framework can recognize new vocabularies to improve the tourist route entities. And by dividing web pages into blocks, we can get more accurate information for description of each block has high relevance. 4. 基于已有的对命名实体的研究,可以发现新的旅游景点词汇,用于丰富旅游线路信息的内容;通过对页面进行分割,使处理的数据描述具有更强的相关性,以提高抽取的准确性。
By exchanging ad hoc on-demand distance vector ( AODV ) hello packet which includes additional fields named symmetric neighbor list and asymmetric neighbor list, unidirectional links are removed from route computation and broadcast storm can also be relieved simultaneously. 而通过交换携带有额外增加的对称邻居节点列表和非对称邻居节点列表字段的AODVHELLO分组,单向链路得以从路由计算中予以清除而广播风暴也同时得到抑制。
Ad Hoc network, also named as self-organized network, is a temporarily formed multi-hop wireless communication network without any infrastructure. In which mobile nodes cooperate to route packets by themselves via wireless link. adhoc网络,又称为自组织网络,它是不依赖于网络基础设施,移动节点之间通过无线通信相互进行路由,临时组的一种多跳无线通信网络。