Finally, the characteristics and connection strategies of generator are presented, and based on subsume index, a breadth-first algorithm for mining non-redundant association rule is proposed. 最后,讨论了生成子的性质及连接策略,并在包含索引的基础上,给出了一种宽度优先的无冗余关联规则挖掘算法。
Assign the lowest node numbers to non-redundant nodes. 分配最低的节点号给非冗余(NR)节点。
Design and Application of Non-redundant Pyramid and Research on Fast Algorithm of 2-D Filter 无冗余金字塔设计应用及二维滤波快速算法研究
When a non-redundant set of possible join combinations has been generated, the optimizer selects the plan that appears to have the lowest execution costs. 当生成了非冗余(NR)的可能连接组合集时,优化器就选择看上去具有最低执行成本的计划。
If you want to create a non-redundant partition, set the Secondary Paging VIOS field to none. 如果希望设置非冗余(NR)的分区,那么把SecondaryPagingVIOS字段设置为none。