The widget sends an AJAX request to the server to get the latest memory information and update the UI without refreshing the whole page. 小部件将一个AJAX请求发送到服务器来获得最新的内存信息(MI)并更新UI,并且无需刷新整个页面。
NSD gives you all current information about the state of the server ( call stacks for all threads, memory information, and so on ). NSD给出服务器状态的所有当前信息(所有线程的调用堆栈、内存信息(MI),等等)。
Please tell us the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and the memory information about the proper software program for your needs. 请将贵公司决定安装微机的厂商名称、型号和微机存储量见告,以便按贵方需要提供适当软件程序的全部情况。
This can be made into a Magic SysRq key to defeat spyware, uncleanly reboot, show memory information, kill processes, and more ( much more ). 它可以成为一个MagicSysRq键,用来实现防御间谍软件、不完全的重新引导、显示内存信息(MI)、杀死进程等等(多得多的)功能。
An evolutionary algorithm with a traditional optimization operator and the memory information 引入传统算子和记忆信息的进化算法