If no, find out what is hindering you from doing so and resolve it. 如果没有,看看是什么妨碍了你这样做,然后解决这个问题。
If you read it critically you will no doubt find much with which you disagree and in the process you will clarify your own beliefs. 如果你批判地读它,你无疑会发现很多你不同意的东西;在这个过程中,你将澄清你自己的信念。
Future work will no doubt find and confirm more of the brain's peptides. 进一步的研究无疑施药发现或者证实存在更多的多肽。
It's no to find a cushy job with a good pay. 找一份轻松的好工作不容易啊!
We have the confidence, so we, although we can no longer find the weapon resisting the incoming enemies, nor do something when our Leaders fall, can fight with nothing but tear, toil and blood. 我们拥有这信念,即使当我们再也找不到(NF)任何可以用来御敌的武器,即使我们在面对领袖的倒下而束手无策,我们仍然可以依靠眼泪、汗水和鲜血来战斗。