It's no secret that Japan's northern frontier is a snow-sports paradise. 日本的北部边界是一个冰雪运动的天堂,这几乎是众人皆知。
The journey about where I came from ran through dozens of common towns and villages on the northern frontier from east to west. 这个关于我从哪里来的漫长旅程,贯穿了北方国境线上由东至西数十个平凡的城镇村落。
Meanwhile, at the northern frontier with China, trade is thriving, and bribes can often buy passage across the border for North Koreans wishing to buy goods, visit family or flee the country. 与此同时,在北部边疆与中国,贸易是蓬勃发展,和受贿往往可以通过购买越过边界,北韩希望购买的商品,请访问家庭或逃离该国。
The strength and riches of the civilized world became inadequate to make head against the nomad population which skirted its northern frontier; 文明世界的力量和财富变得不足以抵抗北方边境游牧居民的入侵。
In936, the Later Jin Dynasty of northern China ceded a large part of its northern frontier, including modern Beijing, to the Khitan Liao Dynasty. 公元936年,位于中国北部的金放弃了北方的大片土地(包括现在的北京)于辽。