As to the last daring guess, it was just because there is abbreviation of surname on the buttons pinned and tailored by hand of the Western-style clothes. 至于最后她大胆的那一猜,纯粹因为他西服手工钉缝的扣子上有姓氏的缩写。
The last one. I guess he's better. 最后一个了,我觉得他好一些。
As for hostage, 'he continued,'that's his last talk, I guess with them he loves so dear. “至于这个人质,”他持续说,“我想这是他跟他敬爱的人的最后一次说话了。
Of course, that is more a measure of popularity than of quality, he said, and whether it will last is anyone's guess. 当然,这些调查显示的是受欢迎程度,而不是教育质量,而且谁也说不准这种状况能否持续下去,他说。
I 'd hoped to go to Europe last year, but I guess it just wasn't in the cards. 去年我本想去一趟欧洲,但现在看来那个想法是不现实的。