A user can also send SUBSCRIBE requests to indicate the interest in another user's presence information. 用户还可以发送SUBSCRIBE请求来指示对其他用户的在线状态的兴趣。
A user can submit PUBLISH requests of his presence information to indicate the current status. 用户可以提交其在线状态信息(PI)的PUBLISH请求,以指示当前状态。
Setting your presence information to indicate whether you are available for instant messaging. 设定您的状态信息(PI)以指出您是否能使用即时消息。
WebSphere Presence Server collects, manages, and distributes real-time presence information of users. WebSpherePresenceServer收集、管理和分发用户的实时在线状态信息(PI)。
In this quick reference card, you will find the tasks most commonly performed when managing contacts, managing your presence information, and contacting others. 此快速参考卡介绍了在管理联系人、管理您的状态信息(PI)以及联系他人时最常执行的任务。