In a group, talk about what Danny should do. 小组讨论丹尼应该怎么做。
As a group, talk about your speeches. 全组讨论你们的演讲。
She joined a recruitment discussion group to talk with other members looking for jobs. 她加入了豆瓣上的一个求职讨论小组,跟其他求职者互动交流。
Now let's welcome the last group to talk about the new trend in the elementary education and our mission as normal students. 下面请本次研讨会的最后一组同学就基础教育的最新动向与我们担负的历史使命谈谈他们的看法。
Mr Zuo is the first head of a Chinese telecom group to talk openly on the subject. 左迅生是首位就该问题公开发表评论的中国电信业集团老总。