Jupiter joins Uranus and this most fortunate combination brings out your higher self in its most divine expression. 木星结合天王星,这个最幸运的组合把你的高我带出最神圣(MD)的表现。
This woman's child was one of the most divine creatures that it is possible to behold. 那妇人的孩子是个小仙女似的孩子。
It's the most Christological of the Gospels, it's the most divine rather than simply being human and so it's very important for doctrine, and for theology, and for faith. 是所有福音中最具基督教性质的,基督是最为神圣的,而非仅仅是人,因此它对于教义,对于神学,对于信仰都是非常重要的。
A voice within his conscience replied : " The most divine of human generosities, the expiation for others. " 有种声音在他心里回答说:“是人类最卓越的慈爱,是为了别人的补偿。”
Mount Kallash means King of mountains, the major peak Kangrinboqe in west is the most famous divine mountain in Tibetan Buddhism. 冈底斯山脉在藏语中意为“众山之王”,西段的主峰冈仁波齐,是藏传佛教最著名的圣山。