According to Michael, checks are machine dependent because they give a binary response of pass or fail. Michael认为:检查要依赖机器完成,因为它们可以给出非此即彼的两个答案:通过或者失败。
Also the format and default locations of the main word list data files changed in the process and the data is now machine dependent. 主词列表数据文件的格式及默认位置也发生了改变。现在数据与机器无关。
For a given job, it can only be processed on a subset of machines within several given time windows, and besides, the process time and time windows are machine dependent. 每个工件只能在一个给定机器子集中的一台机器上加工,且加工过程只能在给定的离散时间窗口内进行,并且工件的加工时间长度和时间窗口约束与加工机器有关。
The precise method required to enable quotas on your machine is dependent on the operating system you are using. 在您的计算机上启动配额的确切方法取决于您所使用的操作系统。
But it is machine parameters dependent since the model of the machine is used for flux estimation. 但是间接矢量控制系统对电机参数具有依赖性,因为它利用电机的模型参数来获取转子磁链。