The reasons for the flight of refugees and internally displaced persons are generally same; 导致难民和向内迁移的人之间的战争的原因通常来说是一样的;
In Sudan and South Sudan, we provide healthcare, sanitation and protection to millions uprooted from their homes by violence. And in Colombia, Haiti and Ecuador, aid workers deliver emergency assistance to internally displaced persons and refugees. 在苏丹和南苏丹,我们提供医疗护理和卫生设备,并保护因躲避暴力背井离乡的几百万人。在哥伦比亚、海地和厄瓜多尔,救援人员为国内流离失所的人们和难民提供紧急援助。
Other issues being discussed at the conference include the humanitarian needs of migrants and internally displaced persons and ways to deal with the impact of war. 会议上讨论的其他问题还包括移民和国内难民的人道主义需求,以及解决战争影响的办法。
To evaluate mortality and morbidity among internally displaced persons ( IDPs ) who relocated in a demographic surveillance system ( DSS ) area in western Kenya following post-election violence. 评估肯尼亚选举骚乱之后处于西部地区人口监测系统范围内的难民的死亡率和患病率。
Displaced Congolese children played among makeshift shelters at Kibati internally displaced persons camp, just north of the provincial capital of Goma. 刚果,基巴提:无家可归的孩子们在难民中的临时庇护所内玩耍。