The Logical Channel(LC) Prioritization procedure is applied when a new transmission is performed. 每次传输新数据时,都会进行逻辑信道(LC)优先级划分。
The messages cover receiving and transmitting capabilities as well as mode preference from the receiving end, logical channel signalling, and Control and Indication. 终端信息消息不仅包括来自接收端的通信方式优先级、逻辑信道(LC)信令、控制与指示,而且也包括接收和传输能力。
Marx's perceptual conception of nature may find a logical channel to the plight of the legitimacy of environmental ethics. 马克思的感性自然观从人与自然的对象性关系出发,能够为环境伦理学摆脱合法性困境寻求一条可能的逻辑通道。
Selection of UWB Logical Channel(LC) Based on Fuzzy Multi-Objective Decision Making 基于模糊多目标决策的UWB逻辑信道(LC)选择
This model establishes real-time and non real-time logical channel in the switch to realize the differentiated service. 该模型在交换机内部建立了实时和非实时逻辑通道来实现区分服务。