The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers. 影碟是由液晶(LC)聚合物制成的。
This article is based on SCM LCD liquid crystal display control system was studied. 本文对基于单片机的LCD液晶(LC)显示器控制系统进行了研究。
The optical properties of circular polarization filters made of cholesteric liquid crystal thin films are investigated. 研究了胆甾相液晶(LC)薄膜滤光器的光学性质,给出了这种薄膜的制作技术。
The principle to depolarize the monochromatic light using the the the characteristic of liquid crystal has been studied. 理论研究了利用液晶(LC)的偏振特性对单色光进行退偏原理。
Nematic liquid crystal film composed of molecular layers is studied by means of themolecular field approximation. 在分子场近似下研究个分子层构成的向列相液晶(LC)薄层。