The learning Center of out of class is the base of Long-range teaching and learning. 校外学习中心(LC)是远程教学和远程学习的活动基地。
I 'm satisfied with the learning center in general. 整体而言,我对学习中心(LC)感到满意。
From the Learning Center Students in Southern California, to the Earl Woods Scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues. 从南加利福尼亚的学生学习中心(LC),到华盛顿的厄尔伍兹学者会,千百万的孩子们改变了他们的命运,而我也会致力于帮助更多的孩子们。
Please follow the Login ID and Password issued by the Learning Center to sign in! 请按照橙式教育中心发出的登入名称及密码登入!
The Learning Center(LC) is an organic part and basic facility in the system of network education management. 校外学习中心(LC)是网络教育管理系统的一个有机组成部分,是网络教育学院在校外的一个基础设施。