Now we have two buttons that grow in ratios of2:3 and1:3 of extra horizontal space. 现在我们有两个按钮,两者之间的大小比例为2:3,额外水平空间比例为1:3。
This function allows the arrangement and exclusion of columns from the display, and it also allows expandable detail columns so that the table can fit into a smaller horizontal space. 该功能支持从显示屏中安排和排除列,并支持可扩展的具体列,这样表格就可以适应更小的水平空间。
Second, although horizontal space is used to indicate which statements are part of the loop, vertical space is not meaningful. 其次,虽然水平的空格可以用来表示循环的部分,但垂直的空格却没有什么意义。
No overlap constraint. A left float box's right margin edge may not be to the right of any right float box's left margin edge that shares the same horizontal space. 左浮动框的右marginedge不能在任何共享相同水平空间的右浮动框的左marginedge之右。
Fragmented forest edges have both horizontal space and tridimensional space characteristics. 片断化森林林缘不仅具有水平空间特征,同时也具有立体空间特征。