Platform system to provide navigation for users learning behaviors, through sharing paths and recording the progress of learn and providing the references of advanced courses, establish the trusted learning environment by users, optimize individual learning behavior. 平台系统又通过路径分享、进度记录和提供进阶课程参考为用户学习导航,建立用户信赖的学习环境,优化个体学习行为。
The study takes the technology of RSS as a way to deliver collaborative learning information in web-based learning supporting environment, makes use of advanced Web Service technology to conduct the distributed information for web-based learning supporting environment and to provide extensive interfaces to be compatible with different platforms. 本研究运用RSS技术作为网络学习支持环境中协同学习信息传递方式,使用WEBService技术为网络学习支持环境提供分布式信息处理,提供扩展接口和跨平台性。
Advanced learning is done through hands on tutorials, field trips and a work environment that combines research with design studio interaction. 下一阶段学习藉由面对面个别指导、实地考察旅行和结合研究与设计工作室互动的工作环境来进行。
The article indicates that with the advanced learning theory to form new teaching system, using multi-media computer and network technology to create an e-learning environment and by enhancing teacher's own information quality to accelerate teaching reform, is the important avenue to fulfill the modern educational technology. 文章认为,借鉴先进的学习理论构建新的教学模式,利用多媒体计算机及网络技术建立数字化学习环境,通过教师自身信息素养的提高促进教学改革深化,是实现现代教育技术课程信息化的重要途径。
With advanced network technology, multi-media technology and interactive technology, this web course established an effective distant individual learning environment. 利用先进的网络技术,发挥多媒体技术、交互技术的优势,创建了有效的远程个体学习环境。