You can obtain information about the space available for the temporary file using the sa_disk_free_space procedure. 您可以使用sadiskfreespace过程来获取有关临时文件的可用空间信息。
The du command, instead of showing disk free space, shows disk usage information. du命令并不是显示磁盘的空闲空间,而是显示磁盘使用情况的信息。
The df tool is actually short for disk free, and that is precisely what the tool shows. df工具实际上是diskfree的缩写,并且这也正是该工具所显示的内容。
The ssh-server, samba-server, and nfs-server options are useful when you have a network connected, and local disk free space or a backup image is not available. ssh-server、samba-server和nfs-server选项适合有网络连接但本地磁盘空闲空间或备份映像不可用的情况。
Analyze your environment and try and organize the disks so that a disk is free or underutilized so you can benefit from the reliability and availability benefits offered by transaction logging. 分析您的环境并尝试组织磁盘,了解空闲或未充分利用的磁盘,从而获得事务日志提供的可靠性和可用性好处。