Nutritionists say only 33 % of our calorie intake should be from fat. 营养学家说我们所摄入的卡路里(C)中只应有33%来自脂肪。
A glass or two of wine will not significantly add to the calorie count 喝一两杯葡萄酒不会增加多少热量。
There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go, or spread it over the day 不管你是一次性摄入全天的卡路里(C)限量,还是在一天内分次摄入,结果好像没有多大差别。
One chocolate bar like this is equal to a large meal in calorie intake. 从摄入的热量来说,一块这样的巧克力相当于一顿饱餐。
On top of that, it is calorie and carbohydrate free. 再加上它是免费的热量和碳水化合物。