In order to control the priority of the planning of all materials, we use the low level code ( LLC ) of material, this directly results in the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm of MRP. 通过引入物料低层码(LowLevelCode-LLC)这一概念,很好地控制了不同物料计划的优先顺序,既简化了MRP算法的设计,又提高了MRP的运行效率。
The Designment and Realization of the Algorithm of Material Requirements Planning Based on Low Level Code(LLC) 基于低层码的MRP算法研究与实现
Embedding the presented interrupt hook in applications can make the programs enter the system's kernel mode, thus realizing the low privilege level code's visiting of the high privilege level resources. 实际应用表明,在应用程序中只要内嵌该软件中断钩子,就可进入系统内核态,实现低特权代码访问高特权级资源。
During the developing of mobile client system, both of the taxing development and low level of code reuse lead to expanding of development cycle and decreasing efficiency because of the adaption of different mobile type. 在开发手机客户端系统过程中,由于要对不同机型做适配,开发工作量大、代码重用率低,导致开发周期长,效率相对低下,无法满足快速开发的要求。
Low level events for both user code and servicing are emitted. 发出用户代码和服务的低级别事件。