Mr Putin had said that he had no intention of gloating about Afghanistan, before adding : But the age of American arrogance is over. 普京表示,无意对阿富汗幸灾乐祸,然后补充称:但美国人自大的时代结束了。
While I 'm committed to doing what it takes to maintain the flow of credit, the American people will not excuse or tolerate such arrogance and greed. 当我决定竭尽所能保持信贷流动性之时,美国人民不会原谅,也不会容忍这种傲慢与贪婪。
The American attempt for her monopolistic hegemony has been treating international affairs with arrogance and prejudice. 为谋求单极独霸的地位,美国在处理国际事务时常常独断专行、颐指气使。
After civil war of American, when they signed the agreement for suspending the war, the north as winner respected the south in all aspects, showing a comprehensive bosom without winner's arrogance. 美国南北战争结束之后,当双方订约之时,战胜的北方代表处处表现出尊重南方的气度,表现出大家都是一家人的胸怀,完全没有胜利者的傲慢。