The Issue of Historical Conception Involved in Explaining Needham Puzzle ⅰ and A Tentative Solution(TS) 李约瑟难题Ⅰ涉及的历史观问题及一个尝试性解释
Tentative Solution(TS) to Optimize Mine-laying Forces by Grey Theory 试用灰色理论解决布雷兵力优选问题
Use empirical methods find the problems of the affordable housing system in China and to further its tentative solution. 通过实证的研究方法对我国经济适用住房制度中存在的问题进行剖析并进一步对其进行尝试性的解决。
With studies of the network deployment of Flash Media Server, we work out a network topology structure that better fits the streaming media and also provide a tentative solution to the splitting technology. 3. 研究了FlashMediaServer的部署方法,制定出适合流媒体服务的网络拓扑结构,并且初步探讨了分流的解决方案。
Finally, we present a tentative fabrication solution on how to realize such a top mirror of this reversed pyramidal structure. 并在最后提出了一个试探性的工艺方案来尝试实现这一顶部镜的结构。