Take it from the top and start when you're ready. 从头再来一遍,准备好后便开始。
But some early guesses by top economists start in the neighborhood of the 2008 oil spike, which peaked out at $ 147 a barrel. 但顶尖经济学家们早在2008年油价飙升时就开始做出一些猜测了,当时油价最高达到147美元/桶。
Eventually, the premiums of the top vintages will start to reassert themselves. 最终,顶级葡萄酒的溢价将开始重新突显出来。
In other words, instead of starting with the old image and blending more and more of the new one on top, I start with the new image and blend less and less of the old one on top. 我是先从新图像开始,然后在上面以越来越少的效果渐变旧图像。
Women don't just face a ceiling that we must break through to get to the very top. Right from the start we are in a labyrinth, in which there are large numbers of complicated things that prevent us from reaching the centre. 女性不仅面临着天花板&我们必须冲破才能达到最高层,而且从一开始,我们就处在一个迷宫之中,这里有大量复杂事物,阻碍我们达到中心。