Wrong title set is a problem in learning a reflection and correction. 错题集是对学习中存在的问题的一种反思与矫正。
You can override any title and set any META description and any META keywords you want. 只要你愿意,你能够重写任何标题,设置任何META描述以及META关键字描述。
That's where the post's title is set, the actual writing of the post happens, categories chosen, and any other minor details noted. 在写文章界面中,文章标题设置在这儿,文章也是在这写的,类别是在这选的,这儿也表明了任何其它的小的方面的详细信息。
If so, it sets a new variable, called title, to files; otherwise, the title is set to the singular form file. 如果大于1,则会将一个新的title变量设置为files;否则,title将被设置为单数形式的file。
While the title is set to be won either tomorrow night or next weekend, the celebrations at the final whistle on Saturday were still rather triumphant. 尽管联赛冠军最终在明晚或者下周才能拿到还没有定论,但星期六晚上(和富勒姆的比赛)终场哨吹响的时候,庆祝场面是相当狂热的。