For the school that operates on a semester system, these units are sometimes referred to as " credit hours " or " semester hours "; 采取学期制度的学校有时把这些单位称作“学分时”或“学期时”;
Who here has been making it since the beginning of the semester on under six hours a night? 谁从本学期开学到现在,每晚睡不到六小时的?
How many people here on average & from the beginning of the semester until now get on average more than eight hours of sleep a night? 这里平均有多少人-,从开学到现在,平均每晚睡超过八小时的?
So this semester I decided that I would convert his tapes into mp3 files so that he could save some hours that were spent in turning the tapes. 所以,这学期我决定把儿子的磁带转换为mp3文件,这样他就可以节省很多翻转磁带的时间了。