Reviewed the computer assisted audit development history, and then introduced several kinds of patterns of computer assisted audit. 并接着回顾了计算机辅助审计的发展历史,介绍了计算机辅助审计的几种模式。
HAP : A COMPUTER ASSISTED HINTERLAND DIVISION SYSTEM Its Development and Application 城镇势力圈划分计算机系统的开发研究与应用&兼论势力圈的空间结构特征
The Important Technique about the Item of Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction Software to Design The development of labour resources lies in education. MCAI项目开发的关键技术人力资源的开发关键在教育。
The article introduces a computer drawing assisted instruction system for the second-time development on the basis of general drawing software AutoCAD, which may be applied in the process of teaching. 因此,本文介绍一种在通用绘图软件AutoCAD基础上进行二次开发的计算机绘图辅助教学系统,它可以应用于教学过程中。
Computer & assisted Teaching of Mathematics and the Development of Active Thinking Quality 计算机辅助教学与创造性思维品质的培养