Autumn brings vibrant color to a valley in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park. 秋天为怀俄明州大提顿国家公园的峡谷带来夺目的色彩。
Most importantly, it has a great picture, with bright highlights, inky deep blacks, and vibrant color. 最重要的是,它有一个伟大的画面,明亮强调,墨似深黑人,和鲜艳的色彩(VC)。
Give soccer a more vibrant color printing brilliant. 使足球印刷颜色更鲜艳亮丽。
The re-emitted light interacts with fluorescent pigments found on the butterflies ' wings to produce the vibrant green-blue color. 那些被重新发射的光线与蝴蝶翅膀上的荧光色素相互作用,就产生了明亮的蓝绿色。相隔长距离的蝴蝶用这种明亮的颜色进行相互沟通。