Please make sure you clean out any scaffold controller and view code before switching to ActiveScaffold. 在切换到ActiveScaffold之前,请确保您已经清除了所有的scaffold控件和视图代码。
Server-side code is executed when Lift encounters tags in the view code. 当Lift遇到视图代码中的标记时,执行服务器端代码。
In the case of the checksum reporting example, the view code was somewhat messy. 在校验和统计报表的例子中,视图代码有些混乱。
Using Mate, the mxml view definitions become really simple and uncluttered with anything but the view code. 通过使用Mate,mxml的视图定义变得非常简单和干净,其中只包含视图代码。
View code in SproutCore is done in JavaScript and is written in a declarative style that is in many ways similar to HTML. SproutCore中的视图代码是用JavaScript写的,且使用一个声明式样式编写的,在很多方面和HTML相似。