So he goes hunting, apparently kills some ducks, but never appears before cameras while carrying any of the birds he shot. 于是他去打猎了,像是打到了些野鸭,但他在摄像机前决没有提着任何一只野鸭出现。
They are allowed to weep or have inner conflict and bitterness before cameras. 他们可以在镜头前流眼泪,可以有内心的挣扎和苦楚。
They are all dead now, the men and women who stood before the cameras, and they all knew they were to die. 他们都死了&这些面对着照相机镜头的男人和妇女,都知道死亡在等待着他们。
It would be boring without gossip, Putin said, smiling easily before television cameras. 如果没有八卦,我们会觉得很无聊的。面对镜头普京笑称。
Assad goes before the cameras within an hour. 阿萨德整点之前就要上电视。