VHDL design of ac-link digital audio code / decode based on FPGA 基于FPGA技术的AC-Link数字音频编/解码的VHDL设计
It also makes a detailed introduction of the process of transplant and optimization of the AAC standard decoding based on this platform. And it successfully realizes the audio driver software program and can decode the AAC audio code while playing the music in real time. 然后,论文基于该硬件平台对音频解码算法的移植与优化工作过程进行了详细介绍,并成功实现了DSP平台上的音频驱动程序和音频解码的实时播放功能。
AC-Link audio code / decode system was designed to VHDL block. After wave emulation and result validation, the VHDL program was downloaded and realized in FPGa. AC-Link音频编解码系统以VHDL模块进行设计,经过波形仿真和结果验证后,将程序下载到FPGA中实现。
The thesis firstly introduces the current situation of the development of MPEG series international standard and audio code technology briefly. 论文首先简要介绍MPEG系列国际标准音频编解码技术的发展现状。
Audio Decoder Code Optimization Based on Embedded SIMD Processor 基于嵌入式SIMD处理器的音频解码优化