Carry it with you on appointments with clients, and impress them with your financial know-how and instant answers. 贯彻与你约会的客户,以及他们留下深刻印象与您的金融专业知识和即时的答案。
Clients demand instant answers and all-night sessions. 客户要求你随时待命、通宵工作。
The Scrum Master provides instant answers or guidelines in the meeting to overcome an impediment, which will keep the team moving toward its goals. Scrum管理者在会上对障碍提出即时的解决方案或指导,使团队不断向着目标前进。
Main exchanges, instant answers, the program for pre-trial opinion, the exchange of evidence the obligation of the stage of the proceedings and helping to clarify the obligations of the facts of the case relations and the parties have maliciously delaying the litigation acts exclusion. 主要表现为审前意见交流、速答程序、证据交换等诉讼阶段的相关义务规定,协力阐明案件事实关系的义务和对当事人恶意拖延诉讼行为的排除。
The interval of time between the initiation of a call and the instant when the called party answers. 从呼叫开始到被叫方应答所需的时间间隔。