Presentations will involve a summary of assigned readings and presentation of study questions pertinent to that week's material. 报告将包括对指定阅读物的总结和对本周材料中相关的学习问题(SQ)的陈述。
Researchers said the study questions the current belief about what lead levels are safe in the population. 研究者称该研究对当前信奉的人群血铅水平的安全值产生质疑。
Study questions are arranged by topic covered in the class. 研究问题的排列顺序是按课堂讨论主题。
The quizzes for the course, along with study questions given to the students, are provided below. 以下是本课程的测验内容以及学生的研习问题。
This section contains examples of homework assignments given in addition to the regularly assigned readings and study questions. 此部分为特别作业范例,为一般阅读作业与随堂问题之外之指定作业。