They are not needed for distribution of the copies ( the internet machine does that ). Rather the PSL are needed for the distribution of the users'attention back to the works. 它们的存在不是需要用它们来传播拷贝(互联网会做这件事),而是需要通过它们把用户的注意力传回到作品上。
It is almost impossible to identify who is gaining fame due to the sheer weight of interest or the Internet marketing machine ( tui shou take credit either way ). 很难确认哪个人是凭借公众关注还是网络行销(或者说是推手助力)而成名的。
Through analyzing a number of illegal harmful contents in information on the Internet, a new method is presented which recognizes specific information on the Internet by Machine Learning. 本文根据网络文本中有害内容的特点,提出了通过机器学习识别特定内容并过滤的新方法。
Placing the control node network connection between the WAP and the modem allows monitoring of all connections to the Internet from any machine on network. 将控制节点网络连接放在WAP与调制解调器之间将允许通过网络中的任意一台计算机监视与Internet的所有连接。
Via Internet the NC machine tool can provide the information of currently machining state for remote monitoring spot and receive the commands of remote monitoring. 该数控机床可通过高速通信网络及时地向远程监控点提供当前加工状态信息并接收远程监控命令,从而实现数控系统的远程控制功能,具有很强的实用性。