The period end date must be greater than the period start date. 期间结束日期必须大于期间开始日期。
Period End(PE) Dates are used to determine the Calculation Period for which a Fixed Amount is payable. 周期结束(PE)日期是用于确定计算期间的一个固定数额支付。
Is the period end result of the university big to applying for foreign graduate student to affect? 大学的期末成绩对申请国外研究生影响大吗?
Period End(PE) preliminary financial information is reconciled with Accounting's distribution summary before closing down the period. 阶段末预期财务信息与会计分配汇总一致。
Die, is a reincarnation of the period end. 死,是一个轮回告终的句点。