With long grey hair, wrinkles and dowdy clothes, the beautiful actress is barely recognisable. 这一头白发,一脸皱纹,一身邋遢的衣服,美艳性感的大明星完全判若两人。
Love, music, dress up in one, you pick any of the beautiful actress, take her into your world, wear the fancy her sexy clothing, inspired by the fashion notes, to work hard to move for it! 恋爱、音乐、装扮于一体,美丽的女主角任你挑选,带她走入你的世界,给她穿上炫丽性感的服装,在时尚音符的感召下,去努力向前冲吧!
She was once considered one of the most beautiful women in the world and, arguably, the most beautiful actress of all time. 她一度被认为是世界上最美丽的女人,有些人还认为她是有史以来最美丽的女演员(BA)。
A beautiful actress walking down the aisle with a not-so-old bigwig could embody many things, depending on your perspective, a perfect union of beauty and bounty for one. 漂亮女演员同一个不算很老的名人的结合,在不同的人看来,可能有很多象征意义,例如:美貌与多金的完美结合。