That should indicate that there's a clear channel, shouldn't it? 那应该表明河道是开通的,不是吗?
However, more recently clear channel has been suggested to have too much market power and is now likely to split into three different businesses. 然而,最近,它曾被提议拥有太大的市场影响力,所以它现在把它的企业分裂为三个不同的公司。
For instance, clear channel communications built its business by buying radio stations in many geographic markets when te Telecommunications Act of 1996 changed the regulations regarding such acquisitions. 比如说,当1996年法案改变了关于收购的相关规定以后,clearchannelcommunications公司通过购买各个区域市场的无线电站来建立其业务。
Large outdoor advertising companies, such as clear channel, have for years been providing outdoor street furniture like bus shelters and stuff in exchange for billboard space that they can sell. 多年来,ClearChannel等大型户外广告公司一直提供公共汽车站的候车棚等户外街道设施,并用之换取用于销售的户外广告牌空间。
A series of deals followed, including one with clear channel for its online radio player iHeartRadio and another with MTV for its music meter app, which generates a daily ranking of hot new artists. 比如ClearChannel公司就把这项服务用于它的iHeartRadio音频播放器;MTV也把这项服务用于它的MusicMeter应用,这个应用每天都会更新最热歌手的排行榜。