The discovery of neural stem cell ( NSC ) and the culture successfully in vitro has provided a new idea for functional reconstruction and regeneration of neural cell in adult central nervous system. 神经干细胞(Neuralstemcell,NSC)的发现并体外培养成功,为中枢神经系统(centralnervoussystem,CNS)功能重建和神经再生提供了新的思路。
Recently, 3D cell culture system has been used on the regeneration of tissue and tumor progression. Type I rat collage can mimic the extracellular matrix necessary to the growth of cell, and the collagen gen ⅰ 3D cell culture system is the most common system. 近年来,细胞三维培养方式逐渐应用于组织再生和肿瘤侵袭等领域,Ⅰ型鼠尾胶原蛋白可模拟体内细胞生长所需的细胞外基质,是最常用的三维细胞诱导体系。