In the second instance, the team experienced only one day of wait time. 在第二个实例中,团队只经历了一天的等待时间(WT)。
Doing this can reduce the wait time by connecting to a local server. 执行此操作可减少连接到本地服务器的等待时间(WT)。
We identify these two cases as Contention Time and Wait Time(WT) respectively. 我们分别把这两种情况称作“锁竞争时间”和“等待时间(WT)”。
The average wait time between tasks in the process is identified. 识别过程中任务之间的平均等待时间(WT)。
The system time shows the time in system processes ( including, when wait time is not shown, the time the system is waiting for I / O ). 系统时间则显示了系统进程耗费的时间(在没有显示等待时间(WT)时,包括系统等待I/O的时间)。