The real world is not neatly organized into tables, rows, and columns. 现实世界并非整齐划一地被组织成表、行和列。
To better understand this, let's return to the world database and consider two of its tables, Country and City, which are linked to each other via the code foreign key. 为了更好地理解这一点,我们回到world数据库并考虑它的两个表Country和City,此二者通过code外键相互链接在一起。
It is one of the most reliable and highly respected reference books. A guide to UK and world affairs, covers everything from tidal tables to forms of address. 最可信赖、最受重视的参考书之一,是关于英国和世界事务方面的指南。
Karratha, australia-for nearly three decades, Chinese peasants have left their villages for crowded dormitories and sweaty assembly lines, churning out goods for world markets. now, Chinais turning the tables. 澳大利亚,卡拉沙年来,中国的农民离开自己的村庄出去打工,住着拥挤的宿舍,挥汗于生产流水线上为世界生产着商品。现在,中国正扭转乾坤。
The examples in this article make use of MySQL's sample world database, which provides various pre-populated and linked tables containing city and country data. 本文中的例子使用MySQL的示例数据库world,其中包含了各种预填充的链接表,表中存储了城市数据和国家数据。